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The Executive Bureau of the Council of the Union

Dumitru Viorel Manescu - presedintele UNNPR
Dumitru Viorel Mănescu
President of UNNPR

Doina Rotaru - Prim-Vicepresedinte UNNPR
Doina Rotaru
Prime-Vicepresident UNNPR

Ion Marin - Vicepresedinte UNNPR
Ion Marin
Vicepresident UNNPR

Vasile Varga - Vicepresedinte UNNPR
Vasile Varga
Vicepresident UNNPR

Sorin Marina
Sorin Marina
CNP Bucuresti

Eduard Lambert
Eduard Lambert
CNP Timisoara

Stela Badarau
Stela Bădărău
CNP Iasi

Marin Carstoiu
Marin Cârstoiu
CNP Pitesti

Bogdan Ciucă
Bogdan Ciucă
CNP Galati

    The Executive Bureau of the Council of the Union has the following main attributions:
  • ensure the ongoing work of the Council of the Union;
  • proposes to the minister of justice the appointment of the civil-law notary, the change of the notarial office seat, association and termination of association, suspension and termination of suspension from the position of civil-law notary;
  • prepares the draft documents which will be presented for discussion and approval to the Council of the Union;
  • drafts the annual report of the Union’s activity;
  • drafts the proposed annual budget of the Union, provides ongoing management of heritage, pursues the preparation of the balance sheet and the execution of the budget;
  • ensures the budgetary execution and pursues the preparation of the budget’s resources of the Union;
  • organizes the own services of the Union and approves the organizational chart and the list of positions for the professional and administrative staff of the Union;
  • approves the organizational chart, the list of positions and coordinates the activity of all entities created within the Union;
  • approves the annual proposed budget, the budgetary execution and the discharge of entities created within the Union;
  • grants, suspends and withdraws operating licenses from notarial offices, on request or by default;
  • analyzes the report of the Council of Discipline and proposes appropriate measures;
  • analyzes the administrative professional control synthesis drawn up by the control body of the Union and proposes appropriate measures;
  • resolves conflicts of competence between notaries in different chambers;
  • coordinates the creation and operation of the system and networks between the Union and the Chambers, but also at the level of notarial offices, according to their own programs and to those carried out in cooperation with the European notariats;
  • coordinates both the activity of the National Center for the Administration of the National Notarial Registers, hereinafter CNARNN, and the national notarial registers on the evidence of notarial deeds and adopts regulatory acts necessary for their operation;
  • resolves, at the request of the President of the Union, complaints raised against civil-law notaries or against the Chambers;
  • accepts the donations and legacies made to the Union;
  • ensures the accomplishment of the decisions of the Congress and the Council of the Union and supervises the execution of these decisions by the Chambers and the notaries, adopting appropriate decisions;
  • performs other duties provided by the law, regulation, statute and internal regulatory acts.
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